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In a significant step towards sustainable energy and agriculture integration, the Landes regional government in France has approved the Terr’Arbouts agricultural photovoltaic (agri-PV) project. This initiative, which was launched in 2020 by a group of 35 farmers looking to diversify their agricultural practices in the face of water quality challenges, is set to be a landmark in the field of agri-PV.

The project, which is being developed by Green Lighthouse Développement (GLHD), will cover an area of 700 hectares, with 200 hectares allocated for the installation of solar panels. These panels are designed to produce 450 MW of electricity without interfering with the ongoing agricultural activities on the land.

Jean-Michel Lamothe, the chairman of the farmers’ association PATAV that is driving the project, explained that the project will involve the rotation of crops including fodder, oilseeds, and omega-3 rich plants, which will not only support local livestock farms but also cater to regional nutritional needs.

The sustainability of the project has been confirmed by the government through agreements that encompass rural leasing and collaborative efforts to safeguard water resources.

Jean-Marc Fabius, the founder and CEO of GLHD, highlighted that the project has been the result of five years of meticulous research and consultation. It has undergone several enhancements to mitigate the concerns raised by local communities, members of CDPENAF, government bodies, and other stakeholders. These include the preservation of rural roads, the creation of ecological corridors, and a reduction in land usage in specific areas. The project is expected to be fully operational by 2028.


Karstsolar, based in Shenzhen, is a company dedicated to solar panel production and international trade. Founded in 2009, Karstsolar boasts extensive experience in solar technology and a remarkable track record in global market expansion. We take pride in delivering efficient and reliable solar solutions to clients worldwide.

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